Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mysterious Monday

Mystery Thing... (Hint: it's related to a fine winter's morning.)

And the answer is... it's nose dewdrops!


JD and Max said...

Oh Sasha - a close-up of your beautiful eyes....sigh! We know what we're going to dream about tonight.....! Schnauzer snuggles JD and Max.

Nellie, Yuchie, Calvert and Bailey said...

Sasha ~

We love your Mysterious Monday posts, Calvert's been tormenting mom about doing one ourselves; but I'm guessing he's more interested in getting your attention.

Like JD & Max, I think he's gone sweet on you... sigh... first puppy crush.

Have a wonderful day precious Sasha.

Calvert's being mysterious by not posting ;-) hehehe

Life With Dogs said...

It's that time of year again. I love it! :)

Diana Chiew said...

Hi Sasha, I came over to say "thanks" for dropping by my blog. You are indeed a pretty girl! I like to see you play in your previous post. Minnie and I do that alot but Minnie is a bully! She likes to grab whatever I am having, toys and treats.

- Santa

HOPE said...

You sure are PRETTY Sasha...

I love the cold days of fall and winter...coming up sooon!

I saw that S.P. hit your house too...oh my...

be on the watch...

Paws Up!

Oskar said...

I love rolling in the dewey grass!

Unknown said...

Oh Sasha,

That last photo of you is just gorgeous!! You've got the most beautiful eyes...and how on earth did you get dew drops on your nose??!

Honey the Great Dane